
Data Analysis with multivariate Linear Regression on data about polls for the 2006 and 2010 elections in Brazil for the lower house (Câmara Federal de Deputados). Data was taken from the TSE portal and encompasses approximately 7300 candidates.

Data Overview

The variables

The response variable is the variable that you are interested in reaching conclusions about.

A predictor variable is a variable used to predict another variable.

Our response variable will be "votos", we want to study how well the predictor variables can help predict its behavior and how they impact in the linear regression.

Each item corresponds to a candidate, the attributes of each item are as follows:

  • ano : Year at which the election took place.
  • sequencial_candidato : Sequential ID to map the candidates
  • nome : Name of the candidate
  • uf : Federate state to which the candidate belongs.
  • partido : Political party to which the candidate belongs.
  • quantidade_doacoes : Number of donations received during political campaign.
  • quantidade_doadores : Number of donators that contributed to the candidate’s political campaign.
  • total_receita : Total revenue.
  • media_receita : Mean revenue.
  • recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites : Revenue coming from other candidate’s committees.
  • recursos_de_pessoas_fisicas : Revenue coming from individuals.
  • recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas : Revenue coming from legal entities.
  • recursos_proprios : Revenue coming from personal resources.
  • recursos_de_partido_politico : Revenue coming from political party.
  • quantidade_despesas : Number of expenses.
  • quantidade_fornecedores : Number of suppliers.
  • total_despesa : Total expenditure.
  • media_despesa : Mea expenditure.
  • cargo : Position.
  • sexo : Sex.
  • grau : Level of education.
  • estado_civil : Marital status.
  • ocupacao : Candidate’s occupation up to the election.
  • votos : Number of votes received.

Loading Data

data <- readr::read_csv(
  progress = FALSE,
  col_types = cols(
    ano = col_integer(),
    sequencial_candidato = col_character(),
    quantidade_doacoes = col_integer(),
    quantidade_doadores = col_integer(),
    total_receita = col_double(),
    media_receita = col_double(),
    recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites = col_double(),
    recursos_de_pessoas_fisicas = col_double(),
    recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas = col_double(),
    recursos_proprios = col_double(),
    `recursos_de_partido_politico` = col_double(),
    quantidade_despesas = col_integer(),
    quantidade_fornecedores = col_integer(),
    total_despesa = col_double(),
    media_despesa = col_double(),
    votos = col_integer(),
    .default = col_character())) %>%
  mutate(sequencial_candidato = as.numeric(sequencial_candidato),
         estado_civil = as.factor(estado_civil),
         ocupacao = as.factor(ocupacao),
         partido = as.factor(partido),
         grau = as.factor(grau),
         sexo = as.factor(sexo),
         uf = as.factor(uf))

data %>% 
## Observations: 7,476
## Variables: 24
## $ ano                                   <int> 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006, 20…
## $ sequencial_candidato                  <dbl> 10001, 10002, 10002, 10002…
## $ nome                                  <chr> "JOSÉ LUIZ NOGUEIRA DE SOU…
## $ uf                                    <fct> AP, RO, AP, MS, RO, PI, MS…
## $ partido                               <fct> PT, PT, PT, PRONA, PT, PCO…
## $ quantidade_doacoes                    <int> 6, 13, 17, 6, 48, 6, 14, 2…
## $ quantidade_doadores                   <int> 6, 13, 16, 6, 48, 6, 7, 2,…
## $ total_receita                         <dbl> 16600.00, 22826.00, 158120…
## $ media_receita                         <dbl> 2766.67, 1755.85, 9301.22,…
## $ recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites <dbl> 0.00, 6625.00, 2250.00, 0.…
## $ recursos_de_pessoas_fisicas           <dbl> 9000.00, 15000.00, 34150.0…
## $ recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas         <dbl> 6300.00, 1000.00, 62220.80…
## $ recursos_proprios                     <dbl> 1300.00, 201.00, 59500.00,…
## $ recursos_de_partido_politico          <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11…
## $ quantidade_despesas                   <int> 14, 24, 123, 8, 133, 9, 17…
## $ quantidade_fornecedores               <int> 14, 23, 108, 8, 120, 9, 10…
## $ total_despesa                         <dbl> 16583.60, 20325.99, 146011…
## $ media_despesa                         <dbl> 1184.54, 846.92, 1187.09, …
## $ cargo                                 <chr> "DEPUTADO FEDERAL", "DEPUT…
## $ sexo                                  <fct> MASCULINO, FEMININO, FEMIN…
## $ grau                                  <fct> ENSINO MÉDIO COMPLETO, SUP…
## $ estado_civil                          <fct> CASADO(A), SOLTEIRO(A), VI…
## $ ocupacao                              <fct> "VEREADOR", "SERVIDOR PÚBL…
## $ votos                                 <int> 8579, 2757, 17428, 1193, 2…
data_test <- readr::read_csv(
  progress = FALSE,
  col_types = cols(
    ano = col_integer(),
    sequencial_candidato = col_character(),
    quantidade_doacoes = col_integer(),
    quantidade_doadores = col_integer(),
    total_receita = col_double(),
    media_receita = col_double(),
    recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites = col_double(),
    recursos_de_pessoas_fisicas = col_double(),
    recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas = col_double(),
    recursos_proprios = col_double(),
    `recursos_de_partido_politico` = col_double(),
    quantidade_despesas = col_integer(),
    quantidade_fornecedores = col_integer(),
    total_despesa = col_double(),
    media_despesa = col_double(),
    .default = col_character())) %>%
  mutate(sequencial_candidato = as.numeric(sequencial_candidato))

data_test %>% 
## Observations: 4,598
## Variables: 23
## $ ano                                   <int> 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 20…
## $ sequencial_candidato                  <dbl> 1e+10, 1e+10, 1e+10, 1e+10…
## $ nome                                  <chr> "EMERSON DA SILVA SANTOS",…
## $ uf                                    <chr> "AC", "AC", "AC", "AC", "A…
## $ partido                               <chr> "PSOL", "PSOL", "PSB", "PT…
## $ quantidade_doacoes                    <int> 3, 5, 40, 29, 160, 4, 48, …
## $ quantidade_doadores                   <int> 3, 5, 38, 29, 146, 3, 48, …
## $ total_receita                         <dbl> 1580.00, 3180.00, 333293.1…
## $ media_receita                         <dbl> 526.6667, 636.0000, 8770.8…
## $ recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 1923.07, 39122…
## $ recursos_de_pessoas_fisicas           <dbl> 1500.00, 3100.00, 65700.00…
## $ recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas         <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 154170.06, 170…
## $ recursos_proprios                     <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 115000.00, 681…
## $ recursos_de_partido_politico          <dbl> 80.00, 80.00, 0.00, 25000.…
## $ quantidade_despesas                   <int> 3, 6, 145, 136, 518, 12, 3…
## $ quantidade_fornecedores               <int> 3, 5, 139, 121, 354, 12, 2…
## $ total_despesa                         <dbl> 1580.00, 3130.02, 326869.7…
## $ media_despesa                         <dbl> 526.6667, 626.0040, 2351.5…
## $ cargo                                 <chr> "DEPUTADO FEDERAL", "DEPUT…
## $ sexo                                  <chr> "MASCULINO", "MASCULINO", …
## $ grau                                  <chr> "ENSINO MÉDIO COMPLETO", "…
## $ estado_civil                          <chr> "SOLTEIRO(A)", "SOLTEIRO(A…
## $ ocupacao                              <chr> "CORRETOR DE IMÓVEIS, SEGU…

Assessing data integrity

NA values

data %>%
  map_df(function(x) sum( %>%
  gather(feature, num_nulls) %>%
## # A tibble: 24 x 2
##    feature                               num_nulls
##    <chr>                                     <int>
##  1 ano                                           0
##  2 sequencial_candidato                          0
##  3 nome                                          0
##  4 uf                                            0
##  5 partido                                       0
##  6 quantidade_doacoes                            0
##  7 quantidade_doadores                           0
##  8 total_receita                                 0
##  9 media_receita                                 0
## 10 recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites         0
## # … with 14 more rows
  • No null values found
data_test %>%
  map_df(function(x) sum( %>%
  gather(feature, num_nulls) %>%
## # A tibble: 23 x 2
##    feature                               num_nulls
##    <chr>                                     <int>
##  1 ano                                           0
##  2 sequencial_candidato                          0
##  3 nome                                          0
##  4 uf                                            0
##  5 partido                                       0
##  6 quantidade_doacoes                            0
##  7 quantidade_doadores                           0
##  8 total_receita                                 0
##  9 media_receita                                 0
## 10 recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites         0
## # … with 13 more rows
  • No null values found


We must apply the same encoding to the data used for the competition test and the data we’ll use to build our models in order to make sure the levels of the categorical variables across both datasets match.

encoding <- build_encoding(dataSet = data,
                           cols = c("uf","sexo","grau","ocupacao",
                           verbose = F)

data <- one_hot_encoder(dataSet = data,
                           encoding = encoding,
                           drop = TRUE,
                           verbose = F)

cat("#### Data Shape",
    "\n##### Observations: ",nrow(data),
    "\n##### Variables: ",ncol(data))
## #### Data Shape 
## ##### Observations:  7476 
## ##### Variables:  265

data_test <- one_hot_encoder(dataSet = data_test,
                           encoding = encoding,
                           drop = TRUE,
                           verbose = F)

cat("#### Test Data Shape",
    "\n##### Observations: ",nrow(data_test),
    "\n##### Variables: ",ncol(data_test))
## #### Test Data Shape 
## ##### Observations:  4598 
## ##### Variables:  264

data %>%
  nearZeroVar(saveMetrics = TRUE) %>%
  tibble::rownames_to_column("variable") %>%
  filter(nzv == T) %>% 
  pull(variable) -> near_zero_vars

near_zero_vars %>% 
##  chr [1:223] "cargo" "uf.AC" "uf.AL" "uf.AM" "uf.AP" "uf.BA" "uf.CE" ...
  • These predictors have a near zero variance, so they behave much like a constant. Predictors that remain constant have no impact on the response variable and for that reason are not useful.

Following this information we shall exclude predictors of near zero variance and zero variance from our models.


  • Let’s employ linear regression with regularization through the Ridge method and tune the hyperparameter \(\lambda \ (lambda)\)

lambdaGrid <- expand.grid(lambda = 10^seq(10, -2, length=100))

fitControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
                           method = "repeatedcv", 
                           number = 10)

data %>%
  select(-one_of(near_zero_vars)) %>%
  select(-ano,-nome) %>%
  train(votos ~ .,
        data = .,
        method = "ridge",
        na.action = na.omit,
        tuneGrid = lambdaGrid,
        trControl = fitControl,
        preProcess = c('scale', 'center')) -> model.ridge

## Ridge Regression 
## 7476 samples
##   39 predictors
## Pre-processing: scaled (39), centered (39) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 1 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 6730, 6728, 6728, 6728, 6728, 6730, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   lambda        RMSE       Rsquared   MAE     
##   1.000000e-02   35004.01  0.4721670  14852.14
##   1.321941e-02   35022.27  0.4718294  14853.31
##   1.747528e-02   35047.51  0.4713915  14852.97
##   2.310130e-02   35080.34  0.4708684  14850.22
##   3.053856e-02   35121.93  0.4702735  14844.02
##   4.037017e-02   35174.44  0.4696140  14833.51
##   5.336699e-02   35241.58  0.4688862  14818.73
##   7.054802e-02   35329.35  0.4680733  14798.77
##   9.326033e-02   35447.22  0.4671439  14775.30
##   1.232847e-01   35609.72  0.4660533  14752.76
##   1.629751e-01   35839.16  0.4647457  14743.38
##   2.154435e-01   36169.52  0.4631600  14760.65
##   2.848036e-01   36652.36  0.4612362  14826.63
##   3.764936e-01   37364.52  0.4589262  15003.47
##   4.977024e-01   38416.96  0.4562047  15354.76
##   6.579332e-01   39961.81  0.4530809  15978.70
##   8.697490e-01   42192.17  0.4496074  16998.31
##   1.149757e+00   45327.95  0.4458809  18563.96
##   1.519911e+00   49583.92  0.4420346  20795.72
##   2.009233e+00   55123.38  0.4382188  23771.52
##   2.656088e+00   62009.37  0.4345784  27570.07
##   3.511192e+00   70168.04  0.4312314  32136.38
##   4.641589e+00   79376.64  0.4282564  37311.78
##   6.135907e+00   89282.58  0.4256898  42871.70
##   8.111308e+00   99451.96  0.4235315  48558.66
##   1.072267e+01  109436.36  0.4217554  54129.02
##   1.417474e+01  118839.71  0.4203195  59358.31
##   1.873817e+01  127367.10  0.4191754  64097.93
##   2.477076e+01  134845.36  0.4182743  68251.34
##   3.274549e+01  141216.60  0.4175710  71790.00
##   4.328761e+01  146513.94  0.4170260  74733.00
##   5.722368e+01  150830.59  0.4166061  77130.27
##   7.564633e+01  154291.12  0.4162840  79051.08
##   1.000000e+02  157029.35  0.4160377  80570.30
##   1.321941e+02  159173.82  0.4158498  81760.13
##   1.747528e+02  160839.79  0.4157068  82684.96
##   2.310130e+02  162125.97  0.4155981  83399.26
##   3.053856e+02  163114.15  0.4155156  83948.08
##   4.037017e+02  163870.57  0.4154530  84368.08
##   5.336699e+02  164447.94  0.4154056  84688.60
##   7.054802e+02  164887.69  0.4153697  84932.69
##   9.326033e+02  165222.08  0.4153424  85118.27
##   1.232847e+03  165476.02  0.4153218  85259.20
##   1.629751e+03  165668.69  0.4153062  85366.14
##   2.154435e+03  165814.77  0.4152944  85447.22
##   2.848036e+03  165925.47  0.4152855  85508.65
##   3.764936e+03  166009.31  0.4152787  85555.18
##   4.977024e+03  166072.79  0.4152736  85590.41
##   6.579332e+03  166120.85  0.4152697  85617.08
##   8.697490e+03  166157.23  0.4152668  85637.27
##   1.149757e+04  166184.76  0.4152646  85652.54
##   1.519911e+04  166205.59  0.4152629  85664.10
##   2.009233e+04  166221.35  0.4152616  85672.85
##   2.656088e+04  166233.28  0.4152607  85679.47
##   3.511192e+04  166242.30  0.4152600  85684.47
##   4.641589e+04  166249.13  0.4152594  85688.26
##   6.135907e+04  166254.29  0.4152590  85691.13
##   8.111308e+04  166258.20  0.4152587  85693.29
##   1.072267e+05  166261.15  0.4152584  85694.93
##   1.417474e+05  166263.39  0.4152583  85696.17
##   1.873817e+05  166265.08  0.4152581  85697.11
##   2.477076e+05  166266.36  0.4152580  85697.82
##   3.274549e+05  166267.33  0.4152580  85698.36
##   4.328761e+05  166268.06  0.4152579  85698.77
##   5.722368e+05  166268.61  0.4152578  85699.07
##   7.564633e+05  166269.03  0.4152578  85699.31
##   1.000000e+06  166269.35  0.4152578  85699.48
##   1.321941e+06  166269.59  0.4152578  85699.62
##   1.747528e+06  166269.77  0.4152578  85699.72
##   2.310130e+06  166269.91  0.4152577  85699.79
##   3.053856e+06  166270.01  0.4152577  85699.85
##   4.037017e+06  166270.09  0.4152577  85699.89
##   5.336699e+06  166270.15  0.4152577  85699.93
##   7.054802e+06  166270.19  0.4152577  85699.95
##   9.326033e+06  166270.23  0.4152577  85699.97
##   1.232847e+07  166270.25  0.4152577  85699.98
##   1.629751e+07  166270.27  0.4152577  85699.99
##   2.154435e+07  166270.29  0.4152577  85700.00
##   2.848036e+07  166270.30  0.4152577  85700.01
##   3.764936e+07  166270.31  0.4152577  85700.01
##   4.977024e+07  166270.31  0.4152577  85700.02
##   6.579332e+07  166270.32  0.4152577  85700.02
##   8.697490e+07  166270.32  0.4152577  85700.02
##   1.149757e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.02
##   1.519911e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.02
##   2.009233e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   2.656088e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   3.511192e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   4.641589e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   6.135907e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   8.111308e+08  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   1.072267e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   1.417474e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   1.873817e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   2.477076e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   3.274549e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   4.328761e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   5.722368e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   7.564633e+09  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
##   1.000000e+10  166270.33  0.4152577  85700.03
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final value used for the model was lambda = 0.01.
  • The best \(RSME\) value was \(35004.01\) and the corresponding best value for the hyperparameter \(\lambda\) was \(0.01\)
model.ridge %>%
  varImp() %$%
  importance %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column(var="Feature") %>%
  mutate(Feature = tolower(Feature)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = reorder(Feature,Overall),
               y = Overall)) + 
  labs(x="Feature", y="Overall Importance") +

  • We have total_receita, total_despesa and recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas as the three most important features.

  • The model ignored features such as media_despesa, recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites and recursos_proprios.


Let’s employ linear regression with regularization through the Lasso method and tune the hyperparameter \(\lambda \ (lambda)\) which in this package is made available as \(fraction\).


fractionGrid <- expand.grid(fraction = seq(1, 1e-2, length=100))

data %>%
  select(-one_of(near_zero_vars)) %>%
  select(-ano,-nome) %>%
  train(votos ~ .,
        data = .,
        method = "lasso",
        na.action = na.omit,
        tuneGrid = fractionGrid,
        trControl = fitControl,
        preProcess = c('scale', 'center')) -> model.lasso

## The lasso 
## 7476 samples
##   39 predictors
## Pre-processing: scaled (39), centered (39) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 1 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 6730, 6728, 6728, 6728, 6728, 6730, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   fraction  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##   0.01      36592.09  0.4626947  16204.55
##   0.02      36499.28  0.4626945  16142.31
##   0.03      36408.63  0.4626944  16080.14
##   0.04      36320.27  0.4626942  16018.17
##   0.05      36234.37  0.4626941  15957.47
##   0.06      36151.10  0.4626939  15898.19
##   0.07      36070.64  0.4626938  15839.60
##   0.08      35993.17  0.4626937  15783.84
##   0.09      35918.90  0.4626935  15728.17
##   0.10      35849.71  0.4636632  15676.47
##   0.11      35783.94  0.4649417  15624.93
##   0.12      35720.40  0.4659334  15574.66
##   0.13      35659.22  0.4667063  15524.67
##   0.14      35600.53  0.4673115  15476.21
##   0.15      35545.34  0.4677434  15430.44
##   0.16      35494.07  0.4680254  15386.18
##   0.17      35445.71  0.4682401  15342.64
##   0.18      35400.41  0.4684024  15303.08
##   0.19      35358.31  0.4685236  15265.63
##   0.20      35319.59  0.4686212  15231.19
##   0.21      35285.03  0.4688599  15198.67
##   0.22      35253.43  0.4690461  15167.58
##   0.23      35224.87  0.4691885  15138.00
##   0.24      35199.47  0.4692945  15109.76
##   0.25      35177.30  0.4693699  15082.42
##   0.26      35158.44  0.4694199  15055.37
##   0.27      35142.96  0.4694486  15029.00
##   0.28      35130.92  0.4694597  15006.11
##   0.29      35122.83  0.4694942  14987.82
##   0.30      35115.67  0.4696246  14973.18
##   0.31      35108.13  0.4697853  14958.34
##   0.32      35101.44  0.4699313  14943.80
##   0.33      35095.10  0.4700827  14930.13
##   0.34      35089.68  0.4702169  14918.15
##   0.35      35085.03  0.4703401  14910.35
##   0.36      35080.62  0.4704638  14903.98
##   0.37      35076.26  0.4705898  14898.84
##   0.38      35072.18  0.4707072  14894.01
##   0.39      35068.29  0.4708193  14889.45
##   0.40      35063.81  0.4709489  14885.01
##   0.41      35059.77  0.4710657  14880.81
##   0.42      35055.98  0.4711753  14876.83
##   0.43      35052.40  0.4712789  14872.85
##   0.44      35049.03  0.4713766  14868.94
##   0.45      35045.87  0.4714682  14865.19
##   0.46      35042.96  0.4715532  14861.69
##   0.47      35040.79  0.4716166  14858.61
##   0.48      35041.29  0.4716027  14857.21
##   0.49      35041.92  0.4715853  14855.82
##   0.50      35042.65  0.4715651  14854.47
##   0.51      35043.49  0.4715421  14853.19
##   0.52      35044.59  0.4715115  14851.87
##   0.53      35046.04  0.4714710  14850.60
##   0.54      35047.45  0.4714315  14849.43
##   0.55      35048.29  0.4714088  14848.32
##   0.56      35048.93  0.4713920  14847.34
##   0.57      35049.70  0.4713720  14846.51
##   0.58      35050.62  0.4713482  14845.84
##   0.59      35051.74  0.4713190  14845.55
##   0.60      35053.03  0.4712851  14845.47
##   0.61      35054.46  0.4712476  14845.60
##   0.62      35056.03  0.4712066  14845.84
##   0.63      35057.98  0.4711527  14845.86
##   0.64      35060.02  0.4710962  14845.93
##   0.65      35062.13  0.4710377  14846.03
##   0.66      35064.31  0.4709772  14846.12
##   0.67      35066.57  0.4709149  14846.20
##   0.68      35068.90  0.4708505  14846.31
##   0.69      35071.31  0.4707839  14846.52
##   0.70      35073.81  0.4707151  14846.86
##   0.71      35076.37  0.4706446  14847.24
##   0.72      35078.44  0.4705900  14847.76
##   0.73      35080.48  0.4705368  14848.35
##   0.74      35082.46  0.4704832  14848.77
##   0.75      35082.82  0.4704744  14848.92
##   0.76      35083.10  0.4704679  14849.07
##   0.77      35083.40  0.4704608  14849.21
##   0.78      35083.71  0.4704533  14849.36
##   0.79      35084.05  0.4704452  14849.51
##   0.80      35084.41  0.4704366  14849.66
##   0.81      35084.80  0.4704270  14849.85
##   0.82      35085.20  0.4704170  14850.04
##   0.83      35085.63  0.4704065  14850.22
##   0.84      35086.07  0.4703955  14850.41
##   0.85      35086.53  0.4703841  14850.60
##   0.86      35087.01  0.4703722  14850.79
##   0.87      35087.47  0.4703606  14850.97
##   0.88      35087.95  0.4703487  14851.16
##   0.89      35088.45  0.4703363  14851.34
##   0.90      35088.96  0.4703234  14851.52
##   0.91      35089.49  0.4703100  14851.71
##   0.92      35090.04  0.4702962  14851.90
##   0.93      35090.09  0.4702955  14851.89
##   0.94      35090.10  0.4702956  14851.87
##   0.95      35090.12  0.4702956  14851.84
##   0.96      35090.15  0.4702955  14851.81
##   0.97      35090.18  0.4702952  14851.79
##   0.98      35090.21  0.4702948  14851.76
##   0.99      35090.25  0.4702943  14851.74
##   1.00      35090.29  0.4702936  14851.71
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final value used for the model was fraction = 0.47.
  • The best \(RSME\) value was \(35052.40\) and the corresponding best value for the hyperparameter \(fraction\) was \(0.47\)
model.lasso %>%
  varImp() %$%
  importance %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column(var="Feature") %>%
  mutate(Feature = tolower(Feature)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = reorder(Feature,Overall),
               y = Overall)) + 
  labs(x="Feature", y="Overall Importance") +

  • We have total_receita, total_despesa and recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas as the three most important features.

  • The model ignored features such as media_despesa, recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites and recursos_proprios.

k nearest neighbors

  • Let’s employ the non parametric k nearest neighbors regression and tune the hyperparameter

neighborsGrid <- expand.grid(k = seq(1, 100, length=100))

data %>%
  select(-one_of(near_zero_vars)) %>%
  select(-ano,-nome) %>%
  train(votos ~ .,
        data = .,
        method = "knn",
        na.action = na.omit,
        tuneGrid = neighborsGrid,
        trControl = fitControl,
        preProcess = c('scale', 'center')) -> model.knn

## k-Nearest Neighbors 
## 7476 samples
##   39 predictors
## Pre-processing: scaled (39), centered (39) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 1 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 6730, 6728, 6728, 6728, 6728, 6730, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   k    RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##     1  42838.46  0.3281680  16470.71
##     2  37326.90  0.4162504  14793.95
##     3  36262.57  0.4406319  14379.02
##     4  35521.72  0.4568744  14137.35
##     5  35131.94  0.4670579  14014.67
##     6  35032.93  0.4694965  14001.07
##     7  34823.42  0.4753850  13948.91
##     8  34602.92  0.4830758  13926.06
##     9  34516.81  0.4862909  13898.83
##    10  34572.16  0.4848599  13955.35
##    11  34392.58  0.4909809  13896.41
##    12  34405.02  0.4909146  13850.64
##    13  34299.31  0.4945753  13814.91
##    14  34290.68  0.4951981  13834.41
##    15  34306.85  0.4956494  13855.95
##    16  34289.06  0.4964865  13857.47
##    17  34300.50  0.4965258  13893.72
##    18  34346.04  0.4953640  13905.12
##    19  34374.90  0.4949552  13939.24
##    20  34442.60  0.4936791  13950.94
##    21  34468.68  0.4931508  13956.47
##    22  34531.35  0.4914466  13946.07
##    23  34571.57  0.4906277  13959.68
##    24  34557.62  0.4915314  13963.54
##    25  34591.89  0.4909236  13984.18
##    26  34616.42  0.4906216  13994.50
##    27  34662.33  0.4897982  14014.62
##    28  34689.73  0.4892745  14043.03
##    29  34749.41  0.4880861  14068.57
##    30  34749.31  0.4885404  14091.61
##    31  34773.02  0.4879923  14116.37
##    32  34788.85  0.4875576  14131.74
##    33  34810.82  0.4872442  14128.95
##    34  34804.94  0.4880190  14136.67
##    35  34829.77  0.4873826  14148.71
##    36  34856.11  0.4869696  14174.69
##    37  34873.48  0.4866901  14176.27
##    38  34903.46  0.4857751  14199.74
##    39  34923.17  0.4855925  14223.06
##    40  34952.04  0.4847843  14252.19
##    41  34968.67  0.4846084  14256.95
##    42  34994.63  0.4840546  14284.94
##    43  35030.75  0.4832854  14301.07
##    44  35054.65  0.4828050  14327.70
##    45  35087.55  0.4815956  14353.91
##    46  35098.10  0.4815358  14364.59
##    47  35133.28  0.4805013  14383.07
##    48  35151.94  0.4800417  14390.00
##    49  35191.00  0.4790379  14423.77
##    50  35204.26  0.4787051  14437.88
##    51  35207.85  0.4787250  14451.60
##    52  35229.97  0.4779510  14461.64
##    53  35254.37  0.4774120  14480.00
##    54  35286.22  0.4765092  14497.04
##    55  35277.76  0.4769697  14503.05
##    56  35306.13  0.4761664  14515.64
##    57  35332.15  0.4753651  14532.69
##    58  35343.07  0.4750621  14536.50
##    59  35378.38  0.4739731  14553.17
##    60  35381.87  0.4740259  14565.93
##    61  35392.47  0.4737518  14573.91
##    62  35402.60  0.4734978  14583.33
##    63  35406.40  0.4735940  14589.58
##    64  35407.30  0.4736461  14598.18
##    65  35427.28  0.4731087  14608.50
##    66  35446.69  0.4726566  14613.79
##    67  35448.31  0.4727663  14617.38
##    68  35465.93  0.4724948  14622.87
##    69  35489.61  0.4719570  14630.44
##    70  35493.50  0.4720272  14636.50
##    71  35504.61  0.4718435  14645.16
##    72  35504.57  0.4721420  14648.62
##    73  35523.40  0.4716786  14647.34
##    74  35521.20  0.4719007  14647.78
##    75  35536.45  0.4715547  14651.97
##    76  35538.35  0.4717829  14656.78
##    77  35530.53  0.4723753  14650.19
##    78  35542.72  0.4722358  14655.00
##    79  35552.49  0.4722167  14657.80
##    80  35563.49  0.4720643  14659.17
##    81  35574.56  0.4717646  14669.68
##    82  35594.77  0.4711473  14677.64
##    83  35603.59  0.4709935  14685.27
##    84  35621.90  0.4706075  14698.33
##    85  35617.66  0.4711106  14701.84
##    86  35622.33  0.4710593  14705.04
##    87  35615.27  0.4715446  14707.28
##    88  35626.80  0.4714355  14709.60
##    89  35642.14  0.4710949  14714.94
##    90  35646.56  0.4711708  14711.14
##    91  35652.55  0.4711533  14708.95
##    92  35667.74  0.4707239  14716.54
##    93  35676.79  0.4705544  14721.09
##    94  35687.60  0.4702310  14728.85
##    95  35694.31  0.4703556  14730.97
##    96  35709.73  0.4699350  14737.64
##    97  35717.63  0.4698765  14747.43
##    98  35732.35  0.4694970  14756.54
##    99  35741.37  0.4694014  14762.29
##   100  35741.07  0.4696409  14766.44
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final value used for the model was k = 16.
  • The best \(RSME\) value was \(34289.06\) and the corresponding best value for the hyperparameter \(k\) was \(16\)
model.knn %>%
  varImp() %$%
  importance %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column(var="Feature") %>%
  mutate(Feature = tolower(Feature)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = reorder(Feature,Overall),
               y = Overall)) + 
  labs(x="Feature", y="Overall Importance") +

  • We have total_receita, total_despesa and recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas as the three most important features.

  • The model paid little attention to features such as media_despesa, recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites and recursos_proprios.

Comparison between models

Importance of Features

Across the different models there was considerable consensus regarding importance of features. The following statements do encompass both Lasso and Ridge:

  • total_receita, total_despesa and recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas were pointed as the most important features

  • media_despesa, recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites and recursos_proprios were ignored.

Quality Measures (RMSE)

  • Ridge: RSME = 35004.01
  • Lasso: RSME = 35052.40
  • KNN: RSME = 34289.06

The best performing model was KNN, which will be trained with its optimal hyperparameter set (k = 16).

Final model


data %>%
  select(-one_of(near_zero_vars)) %>%
  select(-ano,-nome) %>%
  train(votos ~ .,
        data = .,
        method = "knn",
        na.action = na.omit,
        tuneGrid = data.frame(k = 16),
        trControl = trainControl(method="none"),
        preProcess = c('scale', 'center')) ->
## k-Nearest Neighbors 
## 7476 samples
##   39 predictors
## Pre-processing: scaled (39), centered (39) 
## Resampling: None %>%
  varImp() %$%
  importance %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column(var="Feature") %>%
  mutate(Feature = tolower(Feature)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = reorder(Feature,Overall),
               y = Overall)) + 
  labs(x="Feature", y="Overall Importance") +

  • We have total_receita, total_despesa and recursos_de_pessoas_juridicas as the three most important features.

  • The model paid little attention to features such as media_despesa, recursos_de_outros_candidatos.comites and recursos_proprios.

Making actual predictions

data_test %>%
  mutate(sequencial_candidato = as.character(sequencial_candidato)) %>%
  pull(sequencial_candidato) -> id_column

predict(, data_test) -> predictions

data.frame(ID = id_column,
           votos = predictions) -> submission

submission %>%
## Observations: 4,598
## Variables: 2
## $ ID    <fct> 10000000135, 10000000142, 10000000158, 10000000161, 100000…
## $ votos <dbl> 775.625, 1294.688, 24694.125, 34463.562, 69940.000, 9863.2…